Monday, June 8, 2009

What Is And How To Identify Nummular Eczema Infant

"Nummular" is a Latin word, which means a small coin. Nummular eczema infant presents itself in the form of coin shaped patches, also known as "cradle cap".

Many children from all over the world but particularly those in the Western world suffer from nummular eczema infant. Nummular eczema infant is a form of eczema, which is basically a skin inflammation that causes constant itching. There may be periods where no symptoms present themselves but is then followed by further outbreaks of varying severity. Children who suffer from nummular eczema infant tend to have extremely dry skin. Not only is the skin dry but they also have an extremely high sensitivity to itching.

The majority of children will outgrow nummular eczema infant. However, others will continue to suffer from the disease for the rest of their lives.

The cause of nummular eczema infant is very difficult to pinpoint. Having said that, however, seventy five percent of nummular eczema infant sufferers have a history of other allergy related diseases. It is common for children that suffer from nummular eczema infant to also suffer from asthma, hay fever, as well as many other kinds of allergy related illnesses.

Nummular eczema is not only a long term disease but can also be a chronic medical condition.

How To Reduce The Discomfort

A common nummular eczema symptom is an itchy red rash on the infant or child’s cheeks. This nummular eczema symptom spreads over the face, down the neck to the diaper region. It may also present itself on the arms and legs.

A nummular eczema symptom such as itching is likely to cause the child to be extremely irritable, particularly at night. Medical treatment and avoiding irritants such as stress, wool, lanolin, and certain foods can help reduce symptoms.

Preventing or reducing discomfort can be achieved by:

*Avoiding things such as harsh soaps, perfumed products and bubble baths.

*Use cotton clothing and blankets rather than synthetic materials such as polyester.

*After bathing pat the skin dry so there is a little moisture on the skin.

*A humidifier will also add moisture to indoor air.

Although this rash is normally dry, if the skin is infected with bacteria the eczema will begin to produce oozing pus. Due to the irritation factor and the constant itching it is quite normal for children/infants to constantly scratch thus creating a secondary infection. It is very difficult to stop an irritable, itching child and in particular an infant from scratching but every precaution should be taken to ensure that hands are as clean and bacteria free as possible.

Should the child/infant’s rash begin to show signs of pus or weeping take this as a very serious sign and the infant/child should see a Doctor as soon as possible.

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